Is outrage all you’ve got?
Since I have been back in Canada, I find that I am way more in touch with friends and acquaintances who live here, and with current events that affect North America. This is likely because I am living in the correct time zone, and I have ample access to coverage of events as they happen. As such, I get to see how people react to these events in real time, and I have to say that I have noticed a trend that bothers me a great deal. I see people reacting to events, to simple news stories, or to decisions that should not even be news with extreme outrage, disproportionate to the event in question.
There are several events from the week that passed that highlight this for me. There was a story in our local newspaper about a single mom who went to the food bank, despite the fact that many felt that she was living beyond her means, and not in fact poor; the decision by the City of New York to at first hold, and then cancel/postpone the NYC Marathon; the announcement that Shopper’s Drug Mart made with regards to their decision to suspend the playing of Christmas music in their stores for a few more weeks; and a story that a friend of mine told me, where she had a close call when driving, acknowledged that she came close to hitting the other car and apologized. In each of these cases, many of the reactions that I witnessed were instant outrage.
The responders voiced, typed, or gestured their opinion with little thought to the impact on those reading or experiencing it. In the case of my friend, the other driver followed her down the road and continued to yell and gesture at her in extreme anger. THEY endangered far more people than her close call had, and the bottom line is that no one was hurt, and there was no damage to any property. In all of the other examples, the anger and aggression was directed at all parties – those who made the decisions, those who supported, and those who were against it. In many cases, those who were most vocal were seemingly the farthest removed from the issue.
In some ways, it is the type of behaviour that I would attribute to the regular trolls that are seen in the most online forums, who seem to need to share their negative views on absolutely everything that they see and read; they aren’t. These are also people that I know, in person and online, whose reactions seem out of character with the people who are sharing them. I wonder why, all of a sudden, I see this. Have they always been like this? Am I just now more sensitive?
I find it odd to say this, as one who has been (rightly) accused of overreacting to things on more than one occasion, but I just don’t understand where all this vitriol and anger is coming from, and how it is really productive in the grand scheme of things. I’d much rather see a reasoned argument as why something is “wrong” in a person’s eyes, or a civil discussion about the merits of different points of view than read a hate laced rant about the absurdity of the decisions made.
The 100
It’s no secret that I love to take pictures. I have been taking them since I was a wee girl, and hope to still be taking them, like my grandfather is, when I am well into my nineties. As such, I tend to have a number of friends who are photographers (birds of a feather and all that), and I read a number of photo-related blogs and publications. Some of them are serious and some of them fluff so they give me a good cross section of what is happening in the photographic world.
I was pretty excited when, in June, I saw a post on PhotoJoJo that was talking about a neat project being run out of the UK. The premise was that 100 people around the world would be sent disposable cameras, and they would have a week to take pictures of whatever they wanted before sending them back for processing and publication. The angle that intrigued me the most was that the photographers would be selected on one main criterion – their age. The organizer of this project wanted to see the world through the eyes of all ages, so 100 cameras were sent to people aged 1 – 100; one camera per year. I loved the idea and immediately applied for myself and Woo (Willy and Goose’s ages were already assigned to photographers).
Life went on, and I forgot about the applications after a few days. I’d seen a few messages that the project was inundated with applicants after the PhotoJoJo plug, so I figured that there was little chance that either of us would be selected. I was shocked to receive an email in mid-July letting me know that Woo had been selected! Apparently having an interesting story, like being a Canadian boy living in India for a year, helped to tip the balance in his favour. I guess it wasn’t quite as interesting to be a 38 year-old Canadian living in India for a year!!
Woo was just as excited when I told him about it, and wanted to start right then and there! That proved to be difficult, since we didn’t even have a camera yet. I had some back and forth with the curator, and decided that the best course of action was to have me pick up the camera in Bangalore. We didn’t want to risk it never getting to us, or have it damaged by some of the extreme temperatures that it likely would have faced on it’s journey through the Indian Postal System. Of course I failed to have a contingency for when I would be unable to find said camera in Bangalore, and sent one last ditch plea on a local message board as to where to find one. A good friend, who happened to be in the States at that time, saw it and offered to ‘import’ two for me. We were good to go!
Woo shot his pictures in Mysore and Bangalore. He LOVED the idea of taking these pics, so much that we had to restrain him from shooting off the entire roll in one outing! He did have a hard time working the view finder, and accepting that he could not just see the picture after he took it. My explanation about how that was “old school” didn’t really cut it with him, but he pushed through. He saved his last three pictures for the last day of his week, so that he could take the camera to ‘show and tell’, where he proudly told his classmates all about the project.
With the camera completed, we faced the challenge of getting the camera safely back to the UK. Thankfully a friend was travelling there from India, so she popped it in the mail once she got there. The photos were posted online this past week, and Woo and I sat together to review them and have him narrate some comments to accompany each picture. He loved reviewing each one, and has been through them several times, reliving the experience.
We have loved being part of this project, both as a contributor and an observer to the process. There are some great images being posted most days on the website, with many more to come in the next few weeks. For a variety of reasons, there are still three slots available – ages 77, 94, and 96. If you know anyone who fits the bill (turns that age on their 2012 birthday), you should encourage then to apply! There is a REALLY good chance that they will be selected, as the project wraps up at the end of the year. Woo’s pictures, if you are interested in having a look, can be found here: Can you guess what his favourite is?!?!
From the moment that he came into our lives, we knew we had an imp on our hands. Woo seemed to want to play a trick on you, make you laugh, or get you riled up from an early age. I’ll never forget the first time that I became aware that he was a trickster. He was six or seven months old, and had just woken from a nap. I was listening to his happy babbles on the baby monitor in the kitchen, when I noticed that they had changed from babbles to a new pattern. I would hear some rustling of his blankets, followed by a few seconds of silence, then he would say “HEE HEE HEE”, and giggle. He repeated this a few times until I got curious enough to check it out.
I snuck up the stairs and opened his door. He had been sleeping in a lounger on the floor and was facing the door. When I quietly opened the door, his blanket was over his head and he was perfectly still. He gave the “HEE HEE HEE”, giggled, and shot his arms up in the air to pull the blanket off his head. He then gathered the blanket up, covered his head again and grew still one more time before going through the routine again. After I watched a couple more times, I snuck in and said “where’s Woo?” at just the right moment. He paused and then carried through his routine, but when he pulled the blanket off this time he looked so pleased with himself.
This was the first sign he might be a bit of a troublemaker. It’s continued as he has grown, and most of the time he is trying to get a laugh. Once he does, he can’t stop trying for more laughs. It is generally pretty cute, but occasionally gets out of hand. Like after a few weeks of school last year when every parent that we met made comments like “oh, so THIS is the famous Woo” or “so YOU are Woo’s parents, we have heard so much about him!” He settled down after a couple of weeks, but I often wondered what we weren’t hearing about, and when it would start to get out of hand.
I was certain that he was going to grow into the class clown and that we would have many, many calls to pick him up from the principal’s office for this behavior. I was wrong. The lils met me at the gate one day last week, and Goose reported that Woo had hit her. I tried to get to the bottom of it, but neither were really clear on how it happened, if a teacher had been notified, or if he had been punished. I figured that I would try again later and we headed home for snack. As I was unpacking his back, I got to the bottom of the story. It was there that I found a note.
The note had clearly been read by Woo, as it was ripped in half. It told how Woo had been naughty at school and had to be sent to the principal’s office and miss the majority of his recess as punishment. It seems that he didn’t just hit his sister, he did it with a shovel! This was not the impression that I thought he would be leaving, just two short weeks into school at the age of five! His teacher did acknowledge that it was out of character and he had clearly been punished for his actions, so we talked through the behaviour and why we never take out our frustrations by hitting. He seems to have gotten the message, and we haven’t had any incidents since. I am hoping that there will be no next note, or the dreaded call from another child’s parents, but I fear that hope is in vain. Perhaps this is why you don’t put siblings in the same class?!
Working for the weekend
I have been planning to go to an annual blogging conference in Toronto for about two years. I didn’t go to the first one, held in October 2010, as I was new to blogging, and didn’t really think that a blogging conference would be beneficial to me. I was wrong, and regretted my decision not to go before the conference had even been held. I didn’t go the second one in Toronto, despite having bought a ticket. I was nowhere near Toronto last October, given that we were just getting settled in India. I was sad to have missed it too, and vowed that I would attend in October 2012, no matter where we were living in the world.
I purchased my ticket the day that they went on sale, and started to make plans with my two travel partners, Anna and Krista. They are simply awesome travel companions, and it was just assumed that we would go together. We chatted back and forth about the conference over email, until one day Anna let me know that she had been contracted to shoot the conference as their official photographer! I offered my congrats, and then she sent me a note that both excited me and terrified me – she asked me to work as her second shooter for the conference! Although I have never actually shot anything other than family get togethers and little children’s parties for my own use, I was pretty pleased that she had faith in my abilities and trusted that I would produce the images that she needed. She has seen a lot of my pictures, so it is not like she didn’t know what she was in for.
In the months leading up to the conference, I was pretty quiet about my role. It was almost as if I did not believe that I was going to be working the conference, and that Anna might just send me a note that she had found someone more qualified. I prepared though, by studying the types of images that had been used before and treating any event that I attended as a gig, where I would try to get the right kind of shots. Willy even talked his work into allowing me to shoot one of their conferences to get some practice in. It was very worthwhile, as I learned a lot about shooting this type of event, and was able to produce a series of images that they were happy with at the end.
The morning of the first day, I was beyond nervous. Instead of taking my last bit of free time and doing something fun, I holed up in the room and checked, double-checked, and then triple-checked my gear. Once I was certain that it was working properly and all was clean, I fired off a couple more test shots for kicks. Then it was go time. Once I started to take pictures I was fine, and even started to have a little bit of fun. It helped to have great friends and a supportive response from conference staff and attendees alike.
The weekend basically flew by, but it was a lot of hard work. I don’t remember the last time that I shot that much, and my hands were sore from holding the camera by the end of each day. We went non-stop from registration, through the parties, the sessions, the exhibitors, and the fun excursions that people went on the last day. I could not believe how physically tiring it was, and I am now even more impressed by professionals, like Anna, who do this all the time. This was my first time doing any sort of work in over a year, and I returned home Sunday night and fell into bed, exhausted.
It was a great experience for me, and I am pretty sure that Anna liked enough of my shots that she was happy too. Most of all it was a great learning experience. Yes, I take pretty pictures, but I have lots left to learn, and much more to practice. I am happy with how the weekend turned out. If you are curious to see any of the pictures, both our pictures are available in the most recent sets at
I don’t do chain letters
We have all gotten them. Back in the day, they came by postal mail, and asked that you write out the letter and send it to some random number of people to either ensure world peace, or prevent eternal damnation. Sometimes there was a list of people that HAD participated, and you were supposed to add your name to the bottom when you sent out your copies. I never forwarded any of them on, which likely explains why there are still wars in the world and the fact that I am going to hell. Still, I don’t forward the emails that these letters eventually became, and I can’t be bothered to update my status with whatever is going around to raise awareness for various causes. I am clearly going to hell.
As we were getting the lils ready for bed tonight, our doorbell rang. It was odd because it never gets rung, unless we are expecting guests; and the front of our house was completely dark. I was reading to Goose, but curious enough to answer it. When I flipped on the light and opened the door I saw no one. Kids, I thought, and was about to close the door when I looked down and saw a brown paper bag on the edge of the porch. I reached for it, then hesitated, as you never know what is in a brown paper bag that is left, in the dark, on your porch, about a week before Hallowe’en. I sniffed and noted that it was not flaming, so I picked it up and brought it inside.
Once I was inside, I noticed that “Happy Hallowe’en” had been written on the bag.
I turned it over and saw this (you can read it if you enlarge the picture).
The Coles notes version of the text is that the bag is filled with candy. The recipient is supposed to keep the candy, but fill five more bags, drop them on their neighbours porches and dash before being seen – they are “ghost” deliveries of candy. My heart sunk a little as I ready this. A chain letter. A Hallowe’en chain letter that comes with candy. I love Hallowe’en, I really do, but I can’t do this, because I hate chain letters. Not everyone loves holidays that I love, not everyone shares the same beliefs, not everyone believes that a letter will bring world peace. There is no obvious agenda here and no goal other than sharing a little candy, but deep down, it is still a chain letter.
I’ll eat the candy though.
Bad Doctor
I found our pediatrician when I was expecting Woo. Finding someone was not an easy task, largely because I didn’t have a family doctor to refer us and there were very few doctors in Ottawa who were actually taking patients. She was the first that said yes and I signed up without a second thought. I knew something was off during our first visit when we felt we were rushed, and our very valid, brand spanking new parent questions and concerns were brushed aside in an apparent effort to get us through the appointment within our allotted time. I should have just trusted my gut.
Over the five plus years that we have taken our children to see this doctor, I have grown increasingly frustrated by her bedside manner and the way that she has treated our family in general. It seems that every time either of us leaves her office we have yet another story to tell. In our tenure with her she has: told us to book a second appointment time if we have questions to ask; minimized my concerns about my child’s development; told me that one of my children’s behaviour was “just strange” when I asked about it; told me that my four month old was OBESE; gotten mad at me for not calling her when Woo and I fell down the stairs and he fractured his skull; doubted that my children could speak when I told her how much and how early they were talking (possibly because they were too scared to talk in her presence); shushed my infant who was happily babbling; scared both of my children by ripping their shirts up and jamming a cold stethoscope on their back, then getting mad at them because she could not hear when they were crying… I could (and have been known to) go on. We have stuck with her, though, partially because it is still hard to find a pediatrician in Ottawa, and because it seems that every time that I get irked enough to just stop bringing the lils to her we have a good visit; where she is caring, attentive, and charming with the littles. Normal even.
There have been two instances where I absolutely should have switched from her, but didn’t. Yet. The first was when Woo had peanuts for the first time. He was two, and we gave him peanut butter on a cracker. He loved it, but his body did NOT. He started coughing, having trouble breathing, swelling, hives, all the classic signs of a reaction. We rushed him to the hospital, where they confirmed that it was an anaphylactic reaction. They treated and advised that we avoid all nuts and see his doctor for a referral to an allergist as soon as possible. I made an appointment the next day, and she did not believe that the reaction was allergic/anaphylaxis and didn’t want to refer him to an allergist. She thought it was VIRAL. I insisted, and we were referred. Our allergist was quite ticked when he got the referral, on which she had written a snarky little note saying the referral was being made “only because the mother insisted.” It was a classic case of anaphylaxis, and Woo has quite a serious peanut allergy. We should have switched.
The second, and last time that she has really ticked me off, was during our visit last week. I had the lils in for a post-India check-up, and was meeting with her about Woo. Early in the visit she made some remark about him being four and a half, so I politely corrected her because he is five and a half. She questioned me, in an “are you sure” kind of way, and then CHECKED THE FILE to verify his age. Cleary I wouldn’t know how old he is. We moved on, and I mentioned that he was still experiencing constipation, sometimes for prolonged periods. She immediately told me that this must be behavioural, given that it had just started. I explained that it was not always severe, but that this was something that he had been experiencing from the time that he was not yet two. At this point she started flipping through his file, reading his history. When she was finished, she looked at me and told me that he did not have a history of constipation, as she had no note of it in the file!
I was livid, but Woo was in the room with me, so I managed to keep my cool. I hate the insinuation that she knew my child’s history best, based on four pages of notes that cover the last four five years of his life. The bottom line is that we know it is not a new “behaviour”, we are both certain that it has been mentioned at each and every check-up type appointment that he has had, and at some point the doctor needs to believe what the parents are telling them. She set up a follow-up appointment, but I have since cancelled it because of a conflict. I hope that I don’t have to rebook it with her. So, anyone know of a GREAT pediatrician** who can take on two more low maintenance lils?
** EDIT – We are looking for a doctor – family doc or pediatrician!
On ice!
One of my earliest memories of defying my parents always happened under the cover of darkness. I used to lie in bed and secretly listen to the Montréal Canadiens broadcasts on my radio, long after I was supposed to be asleep. i never got caught, but growing up in a family of hockey fans, maybe I did… I was a diehard Habs fan for a long time, until Ottawa got the Senators and I became a season ticket holder. Hockey was a big part of my life growing up, so it is no surprise that it still is now.
The lils have grown up with hockey in their lives. The first time we left Woo alone with a sitter was to go to a Sens game in the spring of 2007, something that was repeated many times that spring. Hockey is pretty much the only thing that they have been allowed to watch on TV for their whole lives, including this past year in India, when Woo and Goose often got up, on their own, in the pre-dawn hours to watch the playoffs with me. In addition to watching on TV, they have both spent many an afternoon watching their Daddy play with his beer league team, and have been given all the pieces needed for many a game of living room, and then basement hockey (this change was necessitated when Woo decided to start using a real puck and learned to raise said puck). We were gifted with several full sets of ice and road hockey gear, so both lils happily play in the basement, suited up, for hours.
The winter before we moved to India was the first that Woo was really skating, on real skates. He loved it, and begged and pleaded with us to go to the local rink EVERY DAY. We went as a family occasionally, but more often than not it was just Woo and Willy, skating, shooting pucks, goofing around. He was so sad the day that the rink closed for the season, but had big plans for the following winter. Those skates turned into roller blades when we moved to India, and he loved it ALMOST as much. One of the things that we all missed was winter, and as soon as we knew that we were coming home, Woo started talking about skating.
Still I hesitated to enrol him in hockey upon our return. I didn’t want to be the parent that forced their lil to play a sport that they never played/played well, and I wanted to make sure that I was putting him in it because he liked it, not because I liked the idea of it. It was a visit with friends, just days after getting home that convinced me to give it a try. Their daughter is the same age and starting out this year, and she is loving it. We wanted to let him have a chance to see if he felt the same. We found a spot for him and filled him in on the plan. He was hesitant when he heard that his dad wasn’t going to be on the ice with him, but it took mere minutes (and a trip to Canadian Tire for a new stick etc) to get him excited.
His first practice was this past Saturday at 7:00 AM. Willy took him, despite fighting jetlag. All of my fears melted away when he walked in the door and told me that it had been “good, great, awesome, awesome, AWESOME!!!!” He was hooked, in one short hour. Sunday afternoon, he and Willy headed to the closest rink for public skating and spent the better part of two hours on the ice. He came home happy and excited to go again. I can’t wait for the ice to be put in in the park so that we can go every day after school. Time for Goose and I to get new skates, and maybe, just maybe, time for me to start to play hockey again.