Golden boy

Dear Woo:

It’s your GOLDEN birthday! Eleven on the eleventh. While your day did not go as planned, I hope that the eleven days of celebration that we have planned will more than make up for being sick on your birthday.

Another year has gone by, and you continue to grow and change almost daily. You have grown in to such a mature and responsible boy, independent and happy. The thing that has impressed me the most this year is how you have become so kind and considerate to everyone that you come into contact with (except Goose, who you love to tease and torment). Simple gestures, but they mean a lot to your mama. This includes all the help around the house, and your behaviour when you are out in the world.

You continue to love to learn, and have demonstrated that any time that you dive into something new. Math and science continue to dominate your reading and work, but you have continued to show a keen interest in history, particularly military history. There have been many times where the kitchen floor has been covered with a reenactment of some battle or another. Lately you have decided that you want to know how everything works, and there are now many projects with new and old items being taken apart and rebuilt through out the house.

You started to play hockey again this year, and have found your groove as a solid defenseman for your team. It hasn’t been the most successful year for your team on the ice, you always work hard and bring a great attitude to the rink. It makes my heart sing to see that you are trying out baseball this year. I found baseball late in life, so I am happy to see you playing this spring. I know it’s a lot to learn, but I can already see so much improvement in your game. I look forward to seeing what the season brings.

It’s so wonderful to watch you grow – I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming year.

Happy birthday, my little man!!


a year of woo














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