Friendship matters

The lils were placed in a small daycare when they were pretty little. They were lucky and stayed with the same group of friends for the entire time that they were there. These lils all got along really well, and we were all pretty sad when we broke up the group to move to India. Over the course of the year that we were gone, the other three all started school and moved on.

While in India we were able to keep in touch with the friends via skype. These calls were quite scattered and chaotic, but they kept the bond intact between the children. Playdates during our home visit were fabulous, with everyone just falling back into that comfortable rhythm they had had before. It was during this visit that we learned two of the friends would be going to the lil’s school this fall and we were excited to think that they may be in the same classes.

I contacted the school in the weeks leading up to our arrival with a few administrative questions, and to make a request that our lils be placed in their friend’s classes, if that was possible. I did so because I know that it is hard to join during the school year, even for children in JK and SK. We would also be coming from India, so I was worried about culture shock too, and thought that friends would help. Before I sent the email, I debated if I should. The fact that they were quite lonely and had a hard time making friends when we arrived in India convinced me that I should try to help if I could. The school agreed, said they would accommodate if class sizes allowed it.

The day before they started school, we met the teachers and learned that Woo and Goose would not be in the same class as their friends, but that they would be together in a JK/SK split. All were disappointed, but we knew they would see each other often and I hoped that would help. Woo and Goose were happy to be together, and a little nervous about the new school.

All of the nervousness melted away when we arrived on Wednesday morning. Their friend A was waiting for them, and happily took them around, showing them the ropes; what door to go in, where to put their bags, and where her class was relative to their class. When the tour was finished, she tracked down her teacher to introduce them, and then started introducing all of her friends. They were laughing and playing happily within seconds, and barely noticed that I left.  It was the perfect entry to their new school and she put them at ease right away. I am so glad that she was there for them.

Woo, A, and Goose right before the school day started (yes, Goose was happier than she looks!)

Category: India, life, Lils | 1 comment

  • Sharon says:

    What a wonderful start to the school year. And you’re right. Friendship most definitely matters.

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