The white flag

Today I had to do something that I never do willingly. I gave up, threw in the towel, surrendered, waved the white flag… It wasn’t the end of two long weeks with the lils at home that did me in, because they have actually been pretty great. It wasn’t the weather, though it has been pretty hot, even for Bangalore. It wasn’t even the fact that neither our oven nor our water purifier have been fixed, despite daily calls and promises of the imminent arrival of a technician or two. We aren’t doing much baking, but that safe, clean water thing? It’s pretty important to me. The thing that did me in was a cold. A really bad, miserable cold.

I rarely used to get sick, and when I did it was not that bad. This has changed since we had the lils, I get sick more often, but I generally don’t wallow. I am usually chasing after the lils, so I play the martyr and push through. This has made be become somewhat unsympathetic when those around me are feeling ill. By somewhat unsympathetic I mean to say that the phrase “suck it up, buttercup” is often uttered when Willy is sick. He was sick this week, and I was my typical supportive and loving self. I am sure he appreciated it. Now I feel that I should have been a little more concerned, and maybe cut him some slack.

This morning basically saw me moping around the house, doing the bare minimum required to keep the lils safe and watered. Willy basically dropped everything and came home when I made vague references to my inability to care for our children in an email I sent. He blew off work, sent me to bed, took care of the lils, fed me when I whined and never once complained or pointed out what a wuss I was. As a result I am feeling much better, and a wee bit guilty. I hope that I will remember this guilt the next time that he is sick with a mancold, but the reality is I’m just as likely to blame him for making me sick, and hold that against him!

Category: life, Lils, Parenting | 4 comments

  • Cindy W says:

    Poor Willy! 😉

  • allison says:

    I have weak lungs and overly dramatic airways so I frequently get to play the pneumonia card. When the kids were babies I usually had to motor through anyway, since my husband travels so much and we had no family nearby and our friends all had little babies at the same time. Now that my parents live nearby, I pounce on every opportunity to take to my bed like a tubercular opera heroine. When my husband is sick I alternately mock him for the man cold and disparage him for going to work anyway, as if he’s SO imPORtant that the company can’t survive without him. It’s kind of amazing what they put up with, huh?

  • Sara says:

    Wave that white flag with pride and take care of yourself!!! Its so hard as moms to know when we need to just admit defeat (so to speak) and put ourselves first. I hoe you’re feeling better soon 🙂

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