We are quite happy that the lils have great imaginations. They keep themselves entertained on long flights, long waits for toys to arrive from home, and many a long drive in and around Bangalore and beyond. They also keep up entertained, which is an added bonus.
About a month after we moved here, I began to hear the lils talk about a number of new things, one of them being dew nuts. I didn’t really ask, as I figured that they were either imaginary or a passing fad. They kept talking about them, and I got more curious, but they were never around when I asked. Then one day Woo and Goose were making a concoction with odds and sods that they found in the park, and they called it “dew nut soup”. I asked for some, mostly so I could see what it was. They served my portion, and the main ingredient was this:
None of us knew where they came from, they were just lying on the ground. They seemed to be pretty common, as they were in a few spots in the park, and near our house.
A few weeks ago I was admiring the beautiful flowering tree in our front yard:
When I looked passed the flowers and saw DEW NUTS!
Now we know where they come from, and the lils are excited to have a seemingly endless supply, to cook with, break apart and examine, and “feed” to the neighbourhood bugs and cats. I still don’t know what they are called, but I am happy with my pretty tree and the joy it brings us all, for different reasons.