Happy Day

Finally. I had a great day. Possibly the best day since we have moved to India. It’s a relief, a pleasure, and a promise of more to come.

Goose`s class went on a field trip today, and I accompanied. I was mostly going to try and help with her morning transition to school issues, but they have mostly resolved themselves in the last two days. Resolved to the point where she kept telling me to leave this AM before the group left for the trip! A little part of me was also going to check out other peoples houses. This was the point of the trip, the culmination of their learning unit on house styles. Who doesn’t love peeking in other peoples houses?

There were a number of parents on the trip, so I met a number of new people. The buses were full, so I car pooled with two lovely moms, and had plenty of opportunity to talk with and get to know them a bit. I really enjoyed talking with them and connecting. One of the moms has children in both Woo and Goose’s classes, lils that my lils play very nicely with, and consider friends. We have a full family play date planned with them for tomorrow. I think that Willy and I are more excited about this than the lils.

Our trip went long, so we arrived a school with little time left it the day. On a whim, I snatched the lils and played a bit of afternoon hookie (with cookies). We played, danced, napped and just hung out. The highlight was our daily street hockey game, much to the entertainment of all who wandered by.

The day ended with many giggles, cuddles and a surprise call to one of my best friends. This is normal, and I could get used to it.

I even took a picture that I really like.
The long way out

Category: India, life, Lils, Photography | 12 comments

  • Capital Mom says:

    I am so happy you had a great day!

  • Jennerknit says:

    You deserved it! So glad it happened sooner than later. You seemed SO much happier than the other night. That made me feel happy too. Thank-you. 🙂 xo

  • Chantal says:

    Thank Goodness for good days!

  • Deb says:

    Yay for a happy day! May you have many, many more!
    I hope everybody enjoys the family playdate 🙂

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      Yay indeed! We did all enjoy the playdate, despite some crankiness and issues with sharing… AND I don’t think that we scared them off 🙂

  • allison says:

    Parent friends are SO important – I suggest grabbing on to them in a death grip. 🙂 Hookie with cookies – you’re my kinda mom.

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      They are so imporatant. I tried to be discrete about the death grip. Hope that it worked!!

      I have to credit the hookie with cookie idea to me sis, we stole it from her 🙂

  • Vicky says:

    I was so happy to read this. I felt it across the ocean. 🙂

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