Wanna come to India?

India was always on my list of dream places to visit, along with Australia, Ireland, Italy, much of theΒ Caribbean, and pretty much all of Canada. I have been slowly ticking those places off of my list, but still had a ways to go when we decided to move to India for a year. It became pretty obvious shortly after we started telling people about the move that we were not the only people with a keen interest in India. With that in mind, we planned for guests in choosing our house, and tried to make it clear that we want visitors. So, wanna come to India?

Bangalore, the city that we live in, was just named to the Lonely Planet’s list of top ten cities to visit in 2012. It’s number three in fact! I am not sure that can vouch for all of the selling points that are listed in the description in the article, but hopefully I will have by the time that you get here! From what we have seen so far, it is a pretty neat and diverse place to visit, and well situated for visiting other parts of India and Asia. The food is SO GOOD too.

Here are a few tips for those of you who are planning a trip.

  • Let us know when you are thinking of coming. we do have some visits lines up, and want to make sure that we have enough beds! In case of a conflict, we will pick favourites!
  • You need a visa to come to India, and it is best if you apply for this sooner rather than later. Information can be found here, but you should note that to apply you have to give them your passport for up to 15 business days, and that your passport needs to be valid for at lats six months. Don’t plan on travel outside of Canada for a couple of weeks around application time. Tourist visas are valid for six months from date of issue.
  • You will want to talk to your doctor or a travel doctor (I can recommend one!) about the shots that you need to come visit. What you need to take will be dependant on where you want to go while here. It is very unlikely that you will need to get the number of needles that we got, but you also won’t be protected from rabies for life! If you are timid about needles (ahem Chris), these meds can be taken orally, you just need to start the ball rolling sooner. I am not a doctor, so talk to yours.
  • The weather here is perfect, don’t believe what any of the weather sites say. Bangalore is hot, but not as stinking hot as other regions in India, and not really humid when compared to Ottawa. You do need to bring pants (house rule), they just don’t need to be of the long variety.
  • The travel here is not super fun. The flights are long, any way you look at it, so be sure that you bring whatever you need to be entertained. We will make arrangements to have you picked up from the airport, as it’s just the easiest way. Don’t worry about getting adjusted to the +10:30 time difference, we have two small alarm clocks that will get you on schedule pretty quickly!
  • Bring rupees with you. They are the only currency that is used, and getting them while you are here can be tricky, as not all bank machines accept Canadian bank cards, even though they claim they will. I recommend going through your bank, rather than a currency exchange shop like the one I went to in Ottawa. We were robbed on the exchange, and I had left it too late to go to my bank. Credit cards are accepted, but you will still want some cash.
  • If your mobile is unlocked, we should have a sim that you can use. If not, don’t plan on using yours, will be very expensive!

I should be up front and let you know that there is a “fee” for the use of our guest room. Wine. It’s hard to get good and reasonably priced wine here, and I know that each adult is allowed to bring two litres of wine in to the country. If you come via Frankfurt, you can even buy bottles at the duty-free in the airport, so you don’t have to worry about checking the bottles! Please also feel free to ask is what we are craving or needing!! There are a number of things that I just can’t get here easily, like many safe treats for Woo, Starbucks iced coffee, or a good plastic spatula. Just don’t ask Willy, he’ll be expecting steak!

So. Who is in?

Category: India | 22 comments

  • Alison says:

    Your rates seem reasonable, and your description sounds lovely. Hope the place is hopping soon πŸ˜‰

  • Cindy W says:

    I would LOVE to come…just not sure I can convince DH that DS and the new baby at the end of February will be travel-worthy. Maybe we can manage a short trip without them? πŸ™‚ And, I need the mailing info…care package is coming together!

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      Well, we are here until October of 2012, and I know firsthand that september is lovely. Also opening to meeting halfway on the way home. Current thought is a stop in Italy for a bit. You in ?!?! πŸ™‚

      I don’t know the mailing info. πŸ™ working on it, really sorry!!

  • Sara says:

    I wish!!! Can you imagine the fun we’d have with our camera’s ?!? But I figured if we didn’t even make it as far as Toronto this summer, then India is probably out of the question πŸ™

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      Could you imagine!!! I would love to have someone to hang and take pictures with πŸ™‚ I understand tho, India is a wee bit more work than Toronto!

  • smothermother says:

    i hope you get lots of visitors. though it can be very daunting idea for a lot of people.

    our wish list was always cheese. indian cheese (if you can call paneer that!) is just so gross. and good chocolate. it just didn’t taste right. i love the idea of wine fees. we just drank lots of beer!

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      I think that we have seven sets of visitors lined up so far, so I am excited about that.

      I am confused about the disdain for paneer!!! I absolutely LOVE it πŸ™‚ But yes, other cheeses are so hard to find!! I have found OK chocolate, which helped me through the dark days before the coffee maker got here πŸ™‚

      It is nice that there is some decent local beer, it helps.

      • smothermother says:

        hmmm, you love paneer. i might have to reconsider my visitation here. πŸ˜‰ glad you can stomach it. it helps since it’s in a lot os yummy dishes.

        awesome that you have people coming to visit. i just had my mom, which was awesome. it’ll be an incredible adventure for everyone.

  • Sam says:

    Been following your blog for sometime now; hope bangalore is treating you well πŸ™‚ You should be able to find prepackaged star bucks at most of the SPAR hypermarket outlets and make sure you visit a good home depot like Home Stop for stuff like plastic spatulas.

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      Hi! Glad that you are following along! Bangalore has treated us really well, we are setting in nicely! Thanks for the shopping tips, I shall hunt them down πŸ™‚ Are you in Bangalore? or formerly of?

      • Sam says:

        I stay at Bangalore; moved here for work two years ago. Been abroad most of my life, so I can relate to what your going through.

        If there’s anything your having trouble locating; let me know. Would be happy to help.

  • I would love to come and bring Paul and the kids! However, I’m thinking travelling with two twin two year olds and a four year old to India would send me right off the edge.

    I hope you get lots of visitors who bring lots of wine!

    • Lilbunnyrabbitz says:

      I would love to have you! I can see how the travel would be hard. I was surprised at how well we did, but I only have two lils!!

  • Lara says:

    You know I wish i could be there. Oh, how I wish! πŸ™‚

  • Finola says:

    I wish we could come, but at least reading about it here is the next best thing πŸ™‚

  • Brie says:

    If I could come by myself I would be there!

  • Neeroc says:

    So September is a good time is it? Here I was thinking March, but I’m guessing it’s booked up. AND do you people have a mailing address yet? Like, even a civic addy?

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