I had it all planned

This was going to be the week that I got back on top of things. Life has been CRAZY on a personal level for the last month or so, with many trips to visit family, many things to not get done at home, a new photography course to take, and an occasional trip to the cottage.  Willy and I have literally not spoken about anything of significance (other than which lil has – or has not pooped lately) for over a week.  My head has been spinning, but I figured that it would relax this week.

So sure was I that it was this week, that I started on a new project, writing a course for the local college!! I am kinda pumped about this one, even though it is somewhat intimidating. Following the meeting to set this up, I began to notice that work is starting to look somewhat busy for the next six weeks or so, what with that awesome conference we are hosting and a few projects coming due.  Admiring myself for recognizing and admitting that this is a problem, I spoke with N (aka the super awesome wonderful woman who loves our lil peeps three four days a week) and arranged to have her care for the lils one extra day a week until December.  Perfect, right?

There is this wrench in the plans, you see.  This weekend, the lils got sick.  This isn’t the slightly runny nose, “ok to go to daycare” sick, it’s the croupy, sad and whiny, hacking up a lung, OH MY GOD look at the colour of that mucous sick that keeps them home to infect their parents.

It is the first day of my back on track week and I am already behind.  I got in the office for a little over three hours today. This is not helping the running around with my head cut off that was planned for the day.  I haven’t even taken advantage of that extra day, and I am already behind!!  I am sure with all the runny nosed kisses and licks (yes, licks!) that I will get sickSo much for getting back on top of things!

Category: Uncategorized | 2 comments

  • Capital Mom says:

    Brutal! Man, kids can sure time things nicely can’t they. 🙂

  • So true. They are starting to perk up now, fingers crossed that we get back on track now.

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