Happy Tired

I am that happy kinda tired that comes with getting a lot of things done. It has been a long time since I have felt motivated and STAYED motivated to fill a day with projects and carry them out, so I am one happy girl. I also rediscovered my joy of all things cooking, another win.

I started the day off with canning tomatoes. I wanted to do this to replace some of my dependence on canned tomatoes, and the large amounts of salt that are added to them. I have done a fair bit of canning, but mostly the jam/jelly type, so this was a new experience. I had it in my head that I would end up with only a couple of jars from the 80 tomatoes that I had, so started off with six 500ml jars prepped. As I blanched and peeled I noted that my original guess was wrong and kept adding jars. In the end I produced eight litres of crushed tomatoes!! I am so happy that I was able to produce so many jars! So happy that I am planning on doing it again on thursday. It would be easier if I had a partner though. Anyone free on thursday?

I then made the horrible mistake of heading to the grocery store. On a Sunday afternoon! It was jam-packed and slower than molasses, but I returned home with the essential ingredients for my next task – nut-free chocolate chips. When Woo finished his quiet time we started on zucchini bread. He loves to cook, and I love to cook with him, so the next hour flew by. His generally loves the measuring and the mixing, but the fact that we were adding chocolate chips at the end made this his new favourite recipe.

After the loaves were out of the oven, my sous-chef and I set about making dinner, a creamy-curried pasta that is relatively easy and really yummy. It’s a family favourite that I don’t make often enough, so I was pleased to have Willy suggest it. I just put the finishing touches on Potato-Leek-Parsnip soup for tomorrow, so even though I am tired, I am ahead of the game!

Category: Uncategorized | 2 comments

  • neeroc says:

    Holy crap. I’d intended on getting some tomatoes…and that’s as far as I got. So feel free to mash some up for me too *G*

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