Counting with two hands

Dear Woo

Today you are SIX, or as your Auntie pointed out to you; you now need two hands to show us your age! I am amazed that we are here already, as it seems like just yesterday that you we’re born. Yet here we are.

This last year has brought with it more change, new experiences, and challenges, and you continued to amaze us with how maturely you embraced them all. You really want to live life to the fullest, and want to make sure that you understand it along the way. I am in awe of your dedication to knowledge, and fully immersing yourself into new things. It challenges us to do the same, learning along with you.

Your two great passions this year have been sports and reading. It has been so fun to watch you join a formal hockey team, and start to learn the basics of playing on a team. I love that you have fully embraced the team as part of this experience; making sure all of your teammates are included, cheering from the bench and the ice, high fives when anyone scores, and stopping to make sure a player is ok when he falls, regardless of whether he is on your team or not. You also have become quite the avid Sens fan, and I so enjoy watching them play with you.

When you aren’t playing and having fun, you often have your head buried in a book. You read every chance you get, even at the dinner table or long past your bedtime. Where you used to concentrate on non-fiction “fact” books, you have really embraced fiction, and reading for pleasure this year. It is so fun to see you discover the same worlds that I loved as a child, and to find new ones that we explore together.

Woo, you are a loving and kind little boy who is growing up before our eyes. I love to see you explore and learn, play and laugh. I hope that this year brings you more of the same.

Lots of love,

A year of Woo…
Hanging out!

Golfing 101

The family that cruises together


First day of school

Independence day

Pile up!!!!

Right Winger


Hands on!

A little help?


Category: life, Lils, Parenting, Photography | 1 comment

  • sassymonkey says:

    giggle. That timbit photo is the BEST.

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