Meeting new people

I went out for drinks this week with some friends. We had a lovely time, chatting and laughing, enjoying each other’s company. It was a much-needed break for me after a hard day and I left feeling very refreshed. As I left though, I had a fleeting thought that my parents would not have approved of this!

It’s not the fun that they would object too, although there was many a day when I was certain that my mom’s main role in life was to ensure that I didn’t have fun. It was the fact that I had met four of these people online. Two of them I had never met before that night. The girlfriend that I went with? She had never met any of them.

Prior to last summer, I would have never guessed that I would have done this. That was before I really started using twitter, started reading so many local blogs, and writing this blog. Through these experiences, I got to know most of the people who I have met, and felt completely comfortable in going. I now have another thought, one that I am not sure how to reconcile. How am I going to explain this to my children when the time comes?  “It’s OK for Mommy, but not for you?”  Thankfully I have time to think it through.

Category: Uncategorized | 1 comment

  • Somekindofmom says:

    We spend a lot of time getting to know one another by reading our blogs and developing friendships on twitter. So in a way when we finally do meet these strangers in person, it’s like we knew them all along.

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