Super Six!
Dear Goose:
Happy birthday! Today you are six years old. You continue to bring joy to every day, into everything that you do. It makes me smile to hear you wake singing in the morning, and watch it continue all day long. You hit a rough patch earlier this year, where that song (and the accompanying dance) disappeared for a while. We were so happy to see that it has returned.
This year has been filled with fun and adventure for you. You have clearly been bitten by the travel bug. Despite the fact that we took three major trips this year (Turks and Caicos, London, and Prince Edward Island), you are always looking for the next adventure. It is so much fun to see you explore the world, and to have you guide out next travels.
Your love for learning has continued to grow. Math is your favourite subject, and I love to watch you work through problems. Lately, reading has become one of your favourite pastimes in the recent weeks, as you have moved into longer stories and chapter books. It amuses me greatly when you shush me, telling me that I am disturbing your reading.
Hockey continues to be a source of great joy for you, and you have progressed really well over the last year. This is most likely due to the fact that you have yet to have had one 7:00AM practice this season; early morning practices being the only thing that you loathe about hockey. This year also saw you master solo swimming, and almost perfect two-wheel biking. I can’t wait to see what you try next!
I hope that the next year is as filled with fun and adventure for you.
All my love,
Seasons change
As the weather has cooled off over the last few weeks, I have been eagerly anticipating the frosty mornings that come with every autumn. They are beautiful, and they are one of my favourite things to photograph. Sadly, for me, it took until mid-November before I got my first frosty morning.
I was busy and didn’t have the time to take the pictures that I wanted, but I took a few shots, and planned to devote the time on the next one.
Sunday morning we woke up to a light dusting of snow. The lils were beyond excited, and did a little snow dance as we were heading to hockey.
It continued to snow for a bit, enough to make the last of my brown eyed susans little bit chilled.
This morning we woke up to this.
As the lils always do with the first snowfall, they we geared up and out the door long before we had to leave. They shovelled the driveway until I was ready, then we headed off on our slow walk to school. I took my camera everywhere today.