
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said…

The Olympics are one of our exceptions to the no television plan for the lils. We love that they get to experience new sports, see world class athletes do their best, and are inspired to try new things in their play and real life.  I must also admit that I am an Olympic junkie, and letting them watch lets me watch way more, as I don’t need to wait until they are in bed to indulge.  One of the sports that has captured Goose’s interest this time around is gymnastics.

Two days ago she noticed that the footboard of my bed was like a balance beam.

She has been doing her routine on it since then, and getting more daring, and more creative.  Unfortunately, she failed to stick her landing this afternoon. While her feet did hit the bed first, they skidded out from under her and she fell backwards, hitting her head on the wood.  I knew by the scream that she had really hurt herself, so I scooped her up and cuddled with her.  After a minute or two we both noticed that our shirts were wet.  She saw that it was blood and freaked out.

I ran downstairs with her to triage.  Our poor cook, who is now traumatized, helped me to slow the bleeding, contact Willy, and keep her calm.  Once I had a good look at the cut, I knew it meant stitches.  As luck would have it, our driver had arranged to take our car in for service today, so we needed to make arrangements with our neighbours to use their car and driver. Luckily they were home and willing.  We were off within minutes of the mishap.

When we arrived at the hospital, which does not have an emergency department, they took one look at me carrying poor Goose and rushed us to the examining rooms.  They were very efficient, agreeing that she needed stitches, cleaning her up, and prepping her (cutting her hair!!!!!).  The doctor wanted to start stitching her right away, until I pointed out that she was three, freaking out a little, and might need at least a local.  They agreed, gave her a sedative and tested the local on her arm to ensure that she didn’t react.  We were then asked to wait and see if she got dopey and fell to sleep.

After about forty-five minutes, it was clear that she was as relaxed as she was going to get, so they prepped her for stitching.   She was cleaned, wrapped in a blanket and given the local.  For anyone who has ever had stitches, that local REALLY hurts.  They had to give her the needle in two spots to ensure that she was well covered, and she protested loudly.  A few minutes later the stitching began, and it became very clear that the local did not take affect at all.  It took ten minutes to get those three stitches in, ten minutes that poor Goose screamed and cried and had to be held down by three nurses.  I hated it, and the fact that there was little I could do to help my baby.  I held her, whispered to her, let her squeeze the pain through my hands, but it was nowhere near enough.  When it was finally over and she clung to me, I held her as tightly as I could, wondering why she didn’t reject me for putting her there.

In the end, she is OK.  The sedative that they gave her kicked in shortly before bedtime, so she is sleeping peacefully.  We have to take her to get the dressing changed a couple of times, and then the stitches come out in a week.  She was very brave, and I am proud of how well she did.  I don’t know that I would not have freaked out if I had to have a wound stitched with no local while three strange men held me down.

Just before the lils headed off to bed tonight, Goose fell up the stairs and landed hard on her chin.  After she was soothed and tucked in, Woo was jumping on his bed, fell and landed on his head.  They are both fine, but this just confirms that head injuries are our specialty.  I am drinking wine now.

…no more monkeys jumping on the bed!




Wordless Wednesday – day at the zoo


Loud mouth

Bravest cat in the world...


Playing hard to get

Baby elephant

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Power`s off… power`s on…

The past two days have been marked by two significant power outages in India. The first occurred in the very early morning on Monday, and knocked out power to 370 million people across seven states, including Delhi, in northern India. Power to most, but not all, of those affected had been restored by the time the second outage occurred this afternoon. This outage was more widespread, and affected over 600 million people across 22 states. Both outages are blamed on several states having overdrawn from the grid. The grids in the North, East and North East are interconnected, so once the grid started to collapse, it cascaded across the regions.

These outages remind me very much of the great power outage of 2003 that affected almost 60 million people in the northeastern US and eastern Canada. It too came as the result of a station failure in a time of high demand, and led to a cascading failure across the continent. There are two differences, as far as I can see. The first is that this affected ten times the number of people. The population of North America is roughly 530 million people, and this affected more people, many of them twice. The second is that the power situation is far from what you would call stable in India. Hell, I’d wager that on any given day a large percentage of the population in India will have faced some kind of power interruption at least once.

I have received many messages from family and friends, concerned that we are without power. Thankfully, Bangalore has not been affected, as it is on the Southern grid, which is unaffected, and perhaps more importantly, unconnected to the other grids that serve the affected areas. The truth is that I likely would not have noticed at all, as our community is served by a back-up generator that cuts over within minutes of the power going out, and we have UPS coverage for things like the TV and the computers/routers. Our inconvenience, at first, would be just that, an inconvenience.
Each time that the power goes out, and it goes out EVERY day, I think of the people who don’t have generators, don’t have power line conditioners, and don’t have UPSs. They aren’t so lucky, and if they live near me, there are days where the power is off all day, or cuts out a dozen or more times. We have had a number of things fail because they were not protected, including the power supply on our brand new TV, our induction cooktop, and our water purifier (three times). Shockingly, these were all fixed under warranty.

I don’t pretend to be an engineer, or an expert on what ails the power supply chain in India. I do believe that the problems are equally split between management and maintenance of the grid. The fact that the difficulties are so clearly widespread leads me to the conclusion that there is widespread mismanagement, from the Power Ministry down. The fact that I see scenes like this everywhere I go? Tells me that maintenance/security/installation is also to blame.

Most nights, Goose goes to bed with a story, and then quietly sings to herself in the dark. Whenever the power cuts in this time, she always pauses, then sings out, “power’s off…” if she is still awake when it cuts back again, she follows up with “power’s on…” It’s just the normal around here.

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That funny stuff going on

The lils have become increasingly curious about the facts of life, and how they came to be.  While they haven’t actually come out and asked the hard questions, I know that they are coming.  Most of their curiosity is actually evident in their conversations with each other, as they explore where they came from.  We mostly listen in amusement, occasionally correcting gross misconceptions (like the idea that Goose was in “mommy’s stomach” with Woo, she just waited an extra year and a half before deciding to be born).

I sense that we dodged a bit of a bullet this weekend.  We were walking to the local mall, and Woo wanted to talk about the stray dogs.  Bangalore has a lot of stray dogs. They seem to be everywhere you go, except in gated communities, where the staff does a decent job of keeping the out.  They tend to ignore people, and seem to coexist peacefully with the other strays, although there are the occasional turf wars that result in much barking and the offending dog getting chased away. 

Woo wanted to talk about the dogs because the females are easily identified by the fact that their teats essentially drag on the ground.  We figure that they are breeding so often that their bodies never recover, and explained this to him.  He was more intrigued by the notion that dogs could breastfeed than he was curious about the constant breeding (phew). We answered all of his questions, and the matter dropped when we arrived at the mall.

On our trip home, it became apparent to me that Woo got the gist of what we were explaining. We used the appropriate terms, words he’d certainly heard before, and he seemed comfortable with them.  His interpretation, however, was coloured by the fact that he is five.  “Mom,” he said, “that’s a female dog. She feeds her puppies with all that funny stuff she has going on under her.”

Ah, the simplicity of youth. 

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Too soon

As someone who has struggled with my weight and body image my entire adult life, I have always wanted to steer the lils on a path that would promote a healthy lifestyle, including balanced eating. I wanted to give them the tools so that they might not have to experience the same cycles. Willy and I try to be positive role models, both in what we eat and what we do.

I know that they are interested. They love to watch us play sports, encourage us to play with them as much as we encourage them, and have a lifestyle that is far from sedentary. Both love to cook, and have always had a place beside me in the kitchen, watching what goes into their food and asking why some things are good for them and others are not. They can appreciate a balanced meal and know that a treat is just that, a treat.

I was quite surprised yesterday when Goose came up to me and said “maybe if I don’t eat lunch, my tummy will be smaller.” I recovered and talked about how her tummy was just fine the way it is and that we need to eat throughout the day to fuel our bodies. She seemed to accept it and hasn’t said anything since. Who knows how this will go moving forward.

I am at a loss as to where this is coming from. We never talk about her body, other than to stress that it is her personal space. She is not exposed to negative media images, given that she doesn’t watch TV/listen to the radio or have access to magazines that portray the idea figure as one that resembles Barbie. Hell, she doesn`t even own a Barbie. I assume that it was a comment that was made innocently, by someone who didn’t know the potential ramifications, but isn’t that how this always starts. I just know I wasn’t ready for this.



Wordless Wednesday – Scuba divers and superheroes


Scuba girl

Wonder Girl





Before there was the internet

If you worked in an office environment on about fifteen years ago, you likely received one or more letters by fax or postal mail that originated in Nigeria. They were scams, asking recipients to pay a little bit of money to secure millions and millions of dollars, and many people fell for them. So many that there are a multitude of anti-fraud initiatives devoted to education about and prevention of this type of fraud.

These letters, which were always handwritten, were the original spam in my opinion. Sure, there was junk mail, but it often came in the form of flyers which do have a somewhat legitimate purpose. These letters had a malicious intent behind them and they were relentless, especially when the senders moved to email. I got one of these had written letters at our home a few years ago, and marvelled that they were still going on in their original form. Sadly it means that people are still falling for them.

I went to the mailbox today and found this, apparently India’s version of the Nigerian scam letter:
Before the internet

It is a handwritten, contains a heart tugging plea, mentions an illness, family, and God. They don’t ask for a specific sum of money, just that “help” (or cloths) be sent, so as not to dissuade any givers. I think that maybe I have just become cynical in my old age, but then note that it is written in English, it was addressed to the landlord (whose name is not western), and the home is located in a known ex-pat community. I’m ok with my cynicism here.



Water. We need it to survive, right?

One of the things that struck me the most about Bangalore is the amount of water that I see on a regular basis. There are a tonne of little lakes and streams, some of them very close to my house. Moving here, I didn’t expect that I would see so much open water on a regular basis. Initially, it was a nice surprise. Then I started to really look at that water… There is a rather large lake less than a kilometre from our house. It would be lovely to see more of it, but there is a razor wire fence that surrounds it. When we asked our local friends why the fence, they told us that it was to keep people from the water, because it is so polluted, unsafe for any access, let alone drinking. It was an eye opener for me.

One of the things that struck us are particularly odd was that the birds drink from the swimming pools here. We initially thought that our pool might be under chlorinated, but started seeing this happening all over, in Bangalore and the other cities that we travelled to. It finally dawned on me that this was likely the cleanest and safest water they had access too. Most of the water that I see in is heavily polluted and filled with trash, but that doesn’t stop people from wading in, swimming, washing their clothes, and drinking it. As a result of drinking it, many get sick from it.

The problem has become dire in some regions, as the monsoon has not arrived in much of India, including the state of Karnataka, where we live. Much of the state has recorded a little over fifty per cent of the expected rainfall, with little relief in sight. This has caused crop loss, particularly for grains in all of the affected areas, and there is some fear that entire harvests will be lost as they have not been planted. It has also caused disruptions to the drinking water supply in areas that rely on water that is drawn from rivers. In some areas the supply has become dangerously low, and in others, just dangerous, with pollution levels being incredibly high. There are some areas where large groups of people have become ill, and many have died. It makes me pause.

Water supply in Bangalore comes from a mixture of sources. Much of the city is supplied by the Cauvery River, and it faced water supply issues earlier this summer. These have theoretically been resolved with the arrival of rains upstream. Our community is on the outskirts of the city and not on city water. We are supplied by borewells that go deep into the ground. There has been talk of supply from the Cauvery River being extended to our area, but this has not yet happened. There has also been community discussion about rainwater harvesting, but the lack of rain in years like this one would make that difficult. This year, the borewells weren’t keeping up with demand and three more were dug. We now appear to have a decent supply of water, but it is not without issue.

The water in the community is not safe to drink. It apparently tests fine, but I don’t know of anyone who dares to drink it. It is chlorinated on site, but there is a history of instability and random injections of excess chlorine in the system. It is also extremely hard. There is a community wide ion exchanger to soften it, but the softness achieved varies across the community, and it too is prone to humane error. The end result is water that is extremely corrosive. We have had the on demand hot water heater in our bedroom (the only one that we use) repaired three times in the nine months we have live here. It just started dripping again this weekend, and I know that they will take it apart and once again see that the water has eaten through it. It eats through everything; the pipes, taps, solar water heaters, our clothes, and rusts anything that it can’t destroy quickly.

The most alarming concern for me is what it does to us. I know that it stings my eyes to take my contacts out, or if I get water in the eyes when I shower. The lils feel it too, and complain bitterly if they get it in their eyes, or bathe with an open cut. I miss clean water.




Under the sea

I fell in love with diving long before I ever took my first dive. The experiences of my brother and brother-in-law, as they got PADI certified and then told tales of their adventures opened my eyes to this whole new world, just waiting to be discovered. They had been diving for a few years before I took my first dive, but I knew immediately that they were right. It really was that great.
Wide Open

My first experience was in Jamaica. It was the week after a hurricane had gone through, and the seas were still pretty rough, making the visibility pretty limited. It didn’t matter. Willy and I went together, and were amazed at the sea life, coral, and assorted wrecks that we saw. We had the opportunity to see a part of the world like relatively few do, and I loved it. Many people worry that being underwater for so long may seem to be closed in or induce feelings of claustrophobia, but I found the opposite to be true. There was the wide expanse in front of you, and virtually no one else there.

Willy went on to get certified that trip, as I was still in school, and studying for some upcoming exams. My certification took me another two years, and another Caribbean trip where I was only able to do really limited dives (aka “resort certification”). I haven’t really looked back since that snowy* October weekend when two friends and I got our “open water” diver. Since that time I have over 60 dives logged, with over 2000 minutes of bottom time.
Diving in Jamaica


Before we had the lils, I had a pretty regular routine that included some local dives in the summer with my brother-in-law and our friend Carpet; touring the wrecks of the St. Lawrence, exploring a local quarry, or shore dives at the cottage. We also managed the occasional trip down south, where Willy and I would dive for a couple of days and read in shade for a couple of days. This has drastically tailed off since the lils arrived. Last week was a family vacation, but it was also very much an opportunity for me to dive. Willy was kind enough to watch over the lils, and I got in five dives. It was bliss, and I have a renewed interest in diving as a result.
See Turtle!

Jelly Fish!

One of the things that I noted, as I always do, is that divers are among the kindest people that you will ever meet. They are the people that will chat to you like old friends at a resort where you know no one, who will keep you company on the boat, and who will re-live the cool things that you saw over and over and over. They are also the people that you trust your life with when you are at depth, your buddies. Sadly, Willy is no longer able to be my dive buddy. He had some surgery on his ear after Goose was born that has enabled him to hear out of it again, but means that he won’t dive again. I have been encouraging both Woo and Goose, and they are quite keen, but a few years away. Until then I will have to see if my brother in law is game, and keep meeting the awesome folks on the dive boat.
Sting Ray

School of fish

*OK, only a couple of flakes fell, but it was damn cold in the St. Lawrence that day*



Wordless Wednesday – Beach Vacation




The family that cruises together

Fire ball in the sky

One foot, two foot

Last night

Sea Turtle


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