Big Day

There is something monumental happening in our house right now. It’s a load of laundry. Something I have done every second day for the last almost four years, but that I won’t be doing after today. I’m washing diapers, giving them their last super wash before I find new homes for them. We don’t need them anymore, as our little girl is now a big girl. One that only uses the “potty”.

She started just before Christmas, declaring that she was ready to wear underwear. We had been talking it up for weeks, and were pleased that she was buying in. We put them on her the first day of the holidays, curious to see what would happen. We have not looked back. She was a little timid at first, only going to the washroom when asked told that she needed to go, and sometimes fighting us on it. She has gradually started telling us, and we are at the point where we don’t need to ask her anymore, unless we are out of the house. She just tells us. Or pulls her pants and undies down in the middle of the room to let us know.

She had her fair share of accidents though, but no more than two in one day. Those accidents freaked her out too. She did not like the mess that she made, and was quite ashamed when it happened. With her last accident she begged Daddy not to tell Mommy. This was not because she thought I would get upset, but because she didn’t want anyone else to know. We’ve now gone ten days with only one accident!

She loves all the fun undies, and hates to take them off. From the start, we had to leave them on under her diaper that she wore for naps because she refused to let them be removed. She has started asking to do the same at night, although we know she is not ready for that quite yet. We are encouraged by the semi-regular night wakings with calls of “need to pee” that we have had this week.

This is so liberating. I have loved cloth diapering, but the washing can be a chore at times. We don’t need a diaper bag when we go out anymore, except maybe to carry spare clothes for the time being. Travel just got easier too, as we don’t have to figure out laundry or pack diapers. There are bonuses for her too. Her wardrobe has expanded, as she can wear jeans and cords now, most of which aren’t cut for cloth. She will have to learn that there is less padding there now. As I remember from Woo, those first few falls hurt a lot!

I don’t want to jinx it, but I think this might really be the end of our daytime diapers!

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 7 comments

  • Nicki says:

    Lucky you! Training isn’t always that easy! Congrats to your big girl!

  • Chantal says:

    Yay big girl! I love the end of diaper days.

  • Deb says:

    Woohoo! If you get the overnight figured out, let me know – I can use as much help as I can get on that one.

  • neeroc says:

    Woo! Do the nekkid booty dance!

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