
I am pretty sure my mom would not have done this

There have been so many things that I have said that I would never do like my mom over my life.  Some of them have held true, but many of them fell by the wayside when I had children, and saw that sometimes, just maybe, her approach might work.  I’ll deny that I do it, but do it anyways.  I am very certain that these last few nights at dinner have been quite unlike anything that she ever did with my siblings and I growing up.

Woo and Goose are generally good eaters, but they like to direct how and when they will eat certain foods.  Unless we offer pasta or smoked salmon.  Then they will eat more than we could ever dream of making.  If they balk at what we offer, we ask them to try, and failing that, we let them pass on certain things.  I wouldn’t like it if someone was telling me what I had to eat at many meals.  Actually, that is why I cook, so I can tell everyone else what to eat!

We do monitor what they snub, and take steps to correct if we notice that they have gone, lets say a month a few days or so, without eating meat or fruit.  Lately it has been veggies, and both are on strike.  They pick everything out, even the stuff that they love.   So we need to get creative.

We were eating broccoli earlier this week and I got Goose to start talking with a bunch of broccoli sticking out of her mouth, replacing her teeth.  She giggled and giggled and when asked, sucked the broccoli in and CHOMPED! it. We tried again, and Willy and Woo joined in.  All of us talking and laughing, and then CHOMP!, eating our broccoli.  All at the same time.  A whole head of broccoli disappeared in moments!

My mom would be scandalized. It worked again tonight, so I am willing to live with a little bit of talking with your mouth full and chewing with the mouth open if the veggies go in without a fight!



25 days of Christmas


I am so excited that December has started, for this year, thanks to Andrea from a peek inside the fishbowl, we will be celebrating the countdown to Christmas with a month full of family friendly, holiday themed activities!!  If you click on the picture above, it will take you to Andrea’s post, where she talks the 25 days of Christmas that her family has been doing for four years.  The idea is a twist on the modern tradition of candy or toy filled advent calendars.  I loved the idea as soon as I read the post, and knew that we had to do it.  Planning to start our countdown is what helped push me through November.

For me, December is typically a really busy month.   I know that I have fallen guilty to losing sight of the big picture, and getting caught up in the frantic prep to the holidays pretty much every year of my adult life.  Now that we have children, I want the holidays to be more than just a race to the finish line.  I hope that this will help us all to slow down and enjoy the times, and reflect on what Christmas really means to us.  I also hope that it becomes a new tradition for the family.

We are very thankful for our happiness, health, and home.  We also know that others are not as fortunate, so we have tried to incorporate a number of activities that can both help out those less fortunate in our community, and teach the children about helping those in need, and giving back to their community. I think these are the activities that excite me the most about this process.

I am woefully ill-prepared for the unveiling of each day’s activity.  Sadly, there is no advent-type calendar for us, or even a master list that can tell us where we are going and when.  We know what was on for today, and what we’ll be doing for the next few days.  By the weekend, I hope to be more organized, but if not, we’ll roll with it.   Suffice to say that there will be letters to Santa, Christmas Carols and Stories, decorating, baking, viewing Christmas lights, indoor and outdoor fun, and lots of quality time spent together.

Today is day one.  When the lils got home from gymnastics tonight we turned the outdoor Christmas lights on.  It was cold and rainy and they were hungry, so it didn’t go over as well as it could have.  They do like the lights, and I know that they will enjoy turning them on every day now, so we will build from this!!

Anyone else celebrating the 25 days of Christmas?



Wordless Wednesday, Indoor hockey edition


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